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Added a post  to  , mofficer

For each campaign, the campaign sponsor (the brand) can recruit people to join their campaign directly. When you receive such a link, congratulations - you can skip the line. 

If you prefer to learn from a tutorial video, click to jump to the end of the post.

Click "Get my reward link" on the page. It will take you to the marketplace page for this campaign.

If you are not signed in, click sign in.

If you don't have an account with us, take a minute to sign up! You'll need a personal account to be a Mofficer. Organization accounts are for our partners. 

If you are not a Mofficer at the moment, you will still need to enroll in the Phi program first.

Please read the Phi program terms carefully and act accordingly. If you have questions, contact us any time. 👇

Click join and you will get your origin Bloc generated for you. 

For ClicKey campaigns:

The link enclosed is your unique Phi Bloc Link ("PBL"). When someone clicks on your PBL, we will log it for processing. If it is a valid click, then you will get the reward posted to your Beyto account immediately. 

Tutorial Video:

Now with your own link, what's the next step?

Learn how to work on a ClicKey campaign.

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